Approved Equipment

Approved Equipment

For the purposes of World Powerlifting Rules of Competition 2.4 Squat Racks, 2.5 Bench and Bench Press Racks, Bench Press Safety Racks, 2.7 Bar And Barbell, and 2.8 Collars, the brand Samtek, as manufactured by the Nantong Rian Run Sports Goods Co Ltd is approved from the current time to 31 December 2027.

Apparel in World Powerlifting

As per World Powerlifting Rules of Competition 4.1 to 4.12, other than for logos on t-shirts no Competitor’s Apparel brands or manufacturers are specified as approved or otherwise. For t-shirts the logos that are approved are World Powerlifting, the logo of the lifter’s national federation, the logo of the event the shirt is being worn in, Samtek, Lead or A7. Otherwise any item of competitor apparel that meets the specifications, as relevant to that item, of Rules 4.1 to 4.12 is valid for World Powerlifting competition.