School Powerlifting

School-age lifters can compete in any local Powerlifting Australia contest & in the Australian Sub-Junior or Junior championships – see the PA Calendar for details.

Also, each year Powerlifting Australia conducts an Australia-wide Schools contest in the Bench Press. Your School can be involved, the event is run at your school & results are collated nationally. Top-ranked individual participants achieve medals and schools with large numbers of entrants can receive prizes of sporting equipment.

The below documents give you the main information for Powerlifting Australia’s School Bench Press Contest.

Invitation [ PDF ]
How to run your competition [ PDF ]
Student entry form and result details [ Word document ] [ PDF ]
School contact details [ Word document ] [ PDF ]
Excel Template for results [ Excel ]
Contact Powerlifting Australia’s Youth Manager on [email protected] for guidance in getting your School involved.

Depo 25 Bonus 25

Depo 25 Bonus 25